Interactive map

Interactive navigator has a truly interactive map, which offers each visitor to a qualitatively new way of orientation within a building or complex of buildings:

  • Zoom in and out
  • Move left-vravo and up and down
  • Switching on the floors
  • Multiple levels of detail
  • Selecting Objects
  • Return to your location
  • Select and search facilities
The visitor no longer need to search among the small inscriptions name the object of interest: shop, office, department or office! Interactive navigator Directorix offers more convenient and fast way to search.

"Navigational kiosk Directorix™ was purchased for the sake of creating an image of a modern, fashionable and high-tech commercial complex. In this aspect the kiosk fulfilled its task ideally!"

Andrey Kuzmenko, Director, Shopping mall "Modniy Boulevard", Belgorod, Russia.

the Directorix way-finding for VEGAS shopping mall Russia
Directorix at Integrated Systems Europe 2010
the Directorix video
the Directorix papers